Sara Beekman
“Inspirational” — the word most often used to describe Sara
Sara is a vibrant woman who has been in the fulltime Christian ministry since 1971. She served with CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) for 16 years and Church Resource Ministries for 3 years. In December, 1989, Sara and her late husband, Gene, founded a ministry called Revitalizing Churches, Inc., committed to helping Christians recapture, nurture and sustain their passion for God through prayer, Bible study and evangelism.
In 2010, Revitalizing Churches, Inc. began additional ministry work and became known as Stop To Pray, helping people enjoy deeper intimacy with Jesus through prayer and the transforming power of God’s word.

Sara in a Nutshell
Me – Crazy-in-love with my adorable grandchildren. Love to laugh and have fun! Enjoy going to garage sales. Have a contagious passion to tell others about Jesus and inspire women to want to grow deeper in their walk with God. Love meeting new people. Whenever I asked my husband to stop at the grocery store to let me pick up one item, Gene would smile and say, “Please don’t make eye contact with anyone!” Enjoy praying for strangers.
Family – I had the privilege of being married to my sweetheart and best friend for 35 amazing years. I enjoy sharing our love story and how God called me to walk by faith when Gene proposed to me. Even though I didn’t have any romantic feelings for him, I stepped out in faith and said “Yes” to his proposal for marriage and that was the first time we kissed! The Lord chose to take him home in 2009 and I have continued to experience God’s faithfulness in this season that is now without my precious sweetheart. God has graciously chosen to use this journey to enable me to share with others how they too can find hope and encouragement in the midst of life’s storms.
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“Sara, you have to know you were an amazing blessing to Genesis this weekend. Thank you for sharing your story and your grief and for inspiring us in the hope of the Lord.” — Lisa, Genesis Women’s Retreat
“We were challenged by our new Pastor to have two evangelistic events a year – including one for our Spring Luncheon and Tea entitled “Love Is Brewing!”. I couldn’t think of anyone better to share God’s message of love and hope than Sara Beekman. With her humor and sometimes sweet tears, her tender love story of her late husband Gene, captivated our ladies. Our young adult women especially loved her because she was real and authentic. Sara gave a very clear gospel presentation and 30 women made decisions to accept Christ as their Savior that day! We have never had that kind of response! How precious it is to serve together to proclaim the great commission in Matthew 28:19, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Thank you Sara for your testimony of a changed life and your faithfulness to share the good news of Jesus Christ.” — Vicki Voyce, Women’s Coordinator, North Phoenix Baptist Church
“I was not familiar with Sara before I called her to see if she would speak at our Women’s Kickoff Luncheon. But from that moment on, I knew she would touch the lives of our women as she was touching mine. I could tell over the phone that she walked closely with God and it made me crave more in my own life. As she began with witty stories, everyone laughed. Then we shared tears as she spoke of her late husband. Finally, we listened carefully as she talked Biblically on our key verse and theme and tied everything together. From the young women that attended to the men running sound, I have heard nothing but positive feedback about Sara. She is definitely someone we will be inviting back.” — Shirley Barker, Director Tapestry Women’s Ministry
“Thank you for your inspirational speech today, you are an amazing woman; Thank you so much for sharing your heart, you are a true blessing!; Speaker was so outstanding and inspirational!; The speaker was among the best I’ve heard in 19 years attending, you brought up so many good reminders, thank you; Sara, your clear message will be used by God in mighty ways, powerful!” — Comments from women attending the Sun Lakes Women’s Connection Brunch
“You blessed our socks off and spurred me on to a greater faith that I want to share with others.” — Kathy F., Shiloh Community Church
“You are constantly giving Him the glory because you have eyes to see Him at work and a mind that is conformed to His thoughts and ways. You are in sync with the Savior, my dear friend. You need to give some of us dance lessons! I know He is the lifter of your head and the one that lifts you up on his big, strong wings. You reflect His glory in so many ways that so naturally flow from the heart He has given you.”
— Sheri C.
“One would think, after 16 years of friendship, I would get tired of hearing Sara’s testimony. However, this is not the case. Every time I am drawn in anew and I am moved to tears. Sara, the way you engage an audience, share your heart, and your love for the Lord; all of these things are so very special. On Saturday when you shared at the women’s luncheon, the Lord was moving mightily. Many women were openly crying as you shared. My friend if I may encourage you, keep writing, keep speaking and sharing your heart . . . because we all benefit.”
— Pam Lyons, Former Director of Leaders in Fellowship Together